It is possible to cancel your order if it hasn’t been sent. Contact us and we will help you. If your order has been sent, you will have to return the products in order to receive a refund. The freight will not be refunded. It is not possible to change your order once it has been submitted. This also includes changing the size or color of a product, removing an item, changing the delivery address or payment method. All packages are sent via certificate ordinary post from our warehouse in Lisbon. Your order will be sent within 3-7 working days after it has been placed.
The normal delivery time from the package to leave our warehouse is:
- 1 working day to Portugal
- 1 – 10 working days to Europe
- up to 20 working days to the remaining destinations
If delivery is not possible for any reasons, the package will be returned to us.
You can have your package delivered to your work address if this is more convenient for you. This should just be included as Delivery Address. Please note that it is not possible to make a delivery to a PO box.
Orders that are returned to us due to an incomplete or incorrect address provided will not be returned to the customer and will only be resent at the customer’s expense. Additionally, orders that are abandoned by the customer for any reason will not be returned to the customer and will only be resent at the customer’s expense. Please send us an e-mail if your package has not been delivered in the calculated time span.
Shipments to non EU countries
Please note that local charges (sales tax, customs duty) may occur, depending on your region and local customs duties. These charges are at the customers own expense. We have no control over these charges and cannot predict what they may be. Customs policies vary widely from country to country; please contact your local customs office for further information.
Tracking your order
When your order is ready to be shipped we will inform you by email along with the tracking number.
By CTT Expresso Tracking tool